Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems (CISIS 2011)

A Comparative Performance Evaluation of DNS Tunneling Tools (Network Security)

Abstract DNS Tunnels are built through proper tools that allow embedding data on DNS queries and response. Each tool has its own approach to the building tunnels in DNS that differently affects the network performance. In this paper, we propose a brief architectural analysis of the current state-of-the-art of DNS Tunneling tools. Then, we propose […]

Security Analysis and Complexity Comparison of Some Recent Lightweight RFID Protocols (Network Security)

Abstract Using RFID tags can simplify many applications and provide many benefits, but the privacy of the customers should be taken into account. A potential threat for the privacy of a user is that anonymous readers can obtain information about the tags in the system. In order to address the security issues of RFID systems, […]

A Secure and Efficient Searching Scheme for Trusted Nodes in a Peer-to-Peer Network (Network Security)

Abstract The existing search mechanisms for peer-to-peer (P2P) networks have several problems such as fake content distribution, free riding, whitewashing and poor search scalability. Although, researchers have proposed several trust management and semantic community-based mechanisms for combating free riding and distribution of malicious contents, most of these schemes lack scalability due to their high computational, […]

Testing Ensembles for Intrusion Detection: On the Identification of Mutated Network Scans (Network Security)

Abstract In last decades there have been many proposals from the machine learning community in the intrusion detection field. One of the main problems that Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) – mainly anomaly-based ones – have to face are those attacks not previously seen (zero-day attacks). This paper proposes a mutation technique to test and evaluate […]

An Intelligent Information Security Mechanism for the Network Layer of WSN: BIOSARP

Abstract In multihop wireless sensor network (WSN) users or nodes are constantly entering and leaving the network. Classical techniques for network management and control are not conceived to efficiently face such challenges. New mechanisms are required, to work in a self-organized manner. The techniques found in nature promises WSN, to self-adapt the environmental changes and […]

Structural Properties of Cryptographic Sequences

Abstract In the present work, it is shown that the binary sequences obtained from a cryptographic generator, the so-called generalized self-shrinking generator, are just particular solutions of a type of linear difference equations. Cryptographic parameters e.g. period, linear complexity or balancedness of the previous sequences can be analyzed in terms of linear equation solutions. In […]

A Multisignature Scheme Based on the SDLP and on the IFP (Cryptography)

Abstract Multisignature schemes are digital signature schemes that permit one to determine a unique signature for a given message, depending on the signatures of all the members of a specific group. In this work, we present a new semi-short multisignature scheme based on the Subgroup Discrete Logarithm Problem (SDLP) and on the Integer Factorization Problem […]

A Group Signature Scheme Based on the Integer Factorization and the Subgroup Discrete Logarithm Problems (Cryptography)

Abstract Group signature schemes allow a user, belonging to a specific group of users, to sign a message in an anonymous way on behalf of the group. In general, these schemes need the collaboration of a Trusted Third Party which, in case of a dispute, can reveal the identity of the real signer. A new […]

Keeping Group Communications Private: An Up-to-Date Review on Centralized Secure Multicast (Cryptography)

Abstract The secure multicast field has been extensively studied for more than a decade now and there exist numerous proposals throughout academic literature. This paper presents a selection of those most important and popular to the date, focusing on centralized schemes due to their high popularity and the recent publication of alternatives that do not […]

Java Card Implementation of the Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme Using Prime and Binary Finite Fields (Cryptography)

Abstract Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) can be considered an approach to public-key cryptography based on the arithmetic of elliptic curves and the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP). Regarding encryption, the best-known scheme based on ECC is the Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme (ECIES), included in standards from ANSI, IEEE, and also ISO/IEC. In the […]