Chinese Medicine

Diarrhea (Common Internal Medicine Disorders) (Chinese Medicine)

Diarrhea is abnormal defecation or the passing of abnormal feces. It may manifest as more frequent defecation or as abnormal feces that are poorly formed or water-like. It is often accompanied by abdominal distention, abdominal pain or borborygmus. Note that diarrhea is distinct from dysentery, which usually presents with tenesmus and feces that contain blood […]

Abdominal Pain (Common Internal Medicine Disorders) (Chinese Medicine)

In this context, the abdomen refers to the anterior trunk from the epigastrium to the pelvic bone. The abdomen is subdivided into regions that are not precisely demarcated. The epigastrium principally relates to the stomach. The large central region principally relates to the spleen and the intestines. The middle lower abdomen principally relates to the […]

Dysentery (Common Internal Medicine Disorders) (Chinese Medicine)

Dysentery is the syndrome of abdominal pain, tenesmus and diarrhea with viscid red or white grains as well as pus and blood in the feces. It occurs most commonly in summer and autumn. When blood predominates it is known as “red dysentery.” When white viscid grains or pus predominates it is known as “white dysentery.” […]

Constipation (Common Internal Medicine Disorders) (Chinese Medicine)

Constipation means either feces remaining overlong in the large intestine, so that the interval between defecations is prolonged, or difficult or painful defecation due to dry, large or hard feces. Etiology and Pathology Constipation results principally from the large intestine losing its function of transmission. There are four groups of causes. Heat-Induced Constipation. The first […]

Stroke (Common Internal Medicine Disorders) (Chinese Medicine)

Stroke is a condition characterized by sudden loss of unconsciousness, hemiplegia, numbness, wry mouth and tongue, and dysphasia or aphasia. Depending on the extent of injury to the brain, or meridians, it may be classified into two kinds: that involving the meridians and that involving the viscera. Etiology and Pathology Stroke develops in a patient […]

Vertigo and Dizziness (Common Internal Medicine Disorders) (Chinese Medicine)

Vertigo is a condition that results from disturbance of the upper orifices induced by Wind, Fire, Phlegm, blood stasis or a state of deficiency. Its main symptoms are dizziness and blurring of vision. In mild cases, dizziness may disappear upon closing the eyes. In more severe cases, the sensation resembles that of seasickness or carsickness. […]

Subcostal Pain (Common Internal Medicine Disorders) (Chinese Medicine)

Subcostal pain is the pain mainly below the lower ribs on one or both sides of the waist or upper abdomen. Etiology and Pathology The liver is located in the right side of the subcostal region and its main and collateral meridians distribute to both sides. The gallbladder attaches to the liver. Thus, the main […]

Jaundice (Common Internal Medicine Disorders) (Chinese Medicine)

Jaundice is a common medical condition characterized by yellowing of the skin, the eyes and the urine. It results when turbid Dampness causes dysfunction of the liver, the gallbladder, the spleen and the stomach, so that the gallbladder is unable to discharge bile normally. As a result bile extravasates from its normal channel. Etiology and […]

Edema (Common Internal Medicine Disorders) (Chinese Medicine)

Edema is the abnormal retention and accumulation of water in the body as a result of failure of the lung, the spleen and the kidney in their functions of transforming, transporting and distributing fluids. The excess water then overflows into the interstitial tissues in the muscles and the skin. Clinically, it is seen as puffy […]

Dysuria (Common Internal Medicine Disorders) (Chinese Medicine)

Dysuria is painful urination due to impedance of flow in the urethra, and is often characterized by frequency and urgency, yet dribbling of urine. Sometimes there is spasm in the lower abdomen, which may extend to the upper abdomen or flank. Typically, the pain of dysuria is prickling or burning in quality. According to variations […]