Headset To Ice crystal (Aviation)

Headsettmp30314_thumbnoun headphones with a microphone attached, used for RT communications o Headsets are usually used in preference to hand-held microphones.

Head-up display noun a cockpit system where data from flight instruments is projected onto a screen or the windscreen so that the pilot can see it without having to look down.

Abbreviation HUD

headwindtmp30315_thumbnoun a wind which is blowing in the opposite direction to the direction of movement or flight. Compare tailwind (note: The word is also written head wind.)

headwind componenttmp30316_thumbtmp30317_thumbnoun one of the three possible components of a wind, the other two being crosswind and tailwind heaptmp30318_thumbnoun a group of things piled or thrown one on top of another heap cloudtmp30319_thumbnoun same as cumulus cloud

heattmp30320_thumbnoun warmth, being hot o The heat generated by combustion is considerable. ■ verb to make warm or warmer o The air leaving the turbo-charger is very warm and can be used to heat the cabin.

heatertmp30321_thumbnoun a device for heating  Pitot heads contain heater elements to prevent icing.

heatingtmp30322_thumbnoun the process of making something warmer o the heating action of the sun i kinetic

heavier-than-airtmp30323_thumb adjective weighing more than the air it displaces, and so needing power to fly

heavytmp30324_thumbadjective having a lot of weight □ a heavy load a load of great weight □ heavy rain rain which is dense and distributes a lot of water over the surface of the Earh in a relatively short time

heavy-dutytmp30325_thumbadjective referring to something designed for hard wear or use o a heavy-duty battery o Longerons are heavy-duty steel members.

heavy landingtmp31D1_thumb„ noun a routine landing in which the aircraft makes contact with the surface with more force than usual, thereby possibly causing damage to the undercarriage o The pilot reported a heavy landing. hedgehop „ verb to fly at tmp31D2_thumb very low height above the ground height /halt/ noun the vertical distance of a point, level or object measured from a particular point, e.g. sea level o Pressure decreases with increasing height. □ height of the aircraft the vertical distance, measured in feet, of the aircraft above the surface of the earth


helitmp31D4_thumbnoun a rotary-wing aircraft

helibornetmp31D5_thumb‘ adjective trans ported by helicopter

helicoptertmp31D6_thumbnoun an air craft with one or more rotors rotating around vertical axes which provide lift and control o Helicopter operations are carried out at the airport.

helicopter rotortmp31D7_thumb noun two or more rotating blades, known as the main rotor, which provide lift and thrust for a helicopter;

helidecktmp31D8_thumbnoun a deck on something such as a ship or offshore oil platform that is used as a landing area for helicopters

heliographtmp31D9_thumbnoun an instrument with a mirror to send messages by reflecting the sun o Heliographs enable reflected sunlight to be directed to a ship or aircraft in periods of direct sunlight.

helipadtmp31D10_thumbnoun an area where helicopters take off and land

heliporttmp31D11_thumbnoun an airport designed for helicopters

helistoptmp31D12_thumbnoun a place where helicopters can take off and land, but usually one that does not have the support facilities found at a heliport

helotmp31D13_thumbnoun 1. a rotary-winged aircraft 2. same as heliport

hemispheretmp31D14_thumbnoun half a sphere

Hertztmp31D15_thumbnoun the SI unit of frequency, defined as the number of cycles per second of time.

Abbreviation Hz HF abbreviation high frequency hightmp31D16_thumbadjective 1. having great vertical distance o a high mountain 2. great, large, a lot □ high engine rpm fast engine speed □ high pressure a lot of pressure □ high reliability good reliability □ high speed a fast speed □ high temperature a hot temperature ■ noun an area of high atmospheric pressure o There is a high over the British Isles.

high frequencytmp31D17_thumb

high frequency bandtmp31D18_thumbtmp31D19_thumbnoun a radio communications range of frequencies between 3-30 MHz.

Abbreviation HF

high-performancetmp31D20_thumbtmp31D21_thumbadjective a system which provides better-than-usual output o an engine with a high performance o Some high-performance engines have coolant and oil system thermostats which aid warming-up.

high performance aircrafttmp31D22_thumbtmp31D23_thumbnoun an aircraft capable of flying faster, higher or with more manoeuvrability than normal aircraft

hijacktmp31D24_thumbverb to take over control of an aircraft by one or several unauthorised person or persons with the intention of forcing the crew to fly it to a different destination o The airliner was hijacked on its way to Paris. hijackertmp31D25_thumbnoun a person who hijacks an aircraft or other vehicle

hijackingtmp31D26_thumbnoun the act of taking over control of an aircraft by one or several unauthorised person or persons with the intention of forcing the crew to fly it to a different destination o The crew must be alert at all times to the possibility of hijacking, bombs and stowaways.

hilltmp31D27_thumbnoun an easily-seen, natural elevation, smaller than a mountain o Slopes on the side of a hill or mountain facing away from the sun receive less intense radiation. o Hill shading is produced by assuming that bright light is shining across the chart sheet so that shadows are cast by the high ground.

hindertmp33E1_thumbverb to make it difficult for something to happen o Free flow of fuel may be hindered by a blockage in the fuel line. o Her illness hindered his progress on the course.

hingetmp33E2_thumbnoun a device which allows a door, flap or lid to open and close on a stationary frame o Flying control hinges should be inspected before flight. ■ verb to move against a stationary frame o Access to the engine compartment is normally via hinged cowling panels.

HIRF abbreviation high-intensity radiated fields

HMR abbreviation helicopter main route

hoartmp33E3_thumbhoar frost noun a frozen dew which forms on outside surfaces when the temperature falls below freezing point o Rapid descent from cold altitudes into warm moist air may produce hoar frost on the aircraft.

holdtmp33E4_thumb‘ noun an area or compartment within the aircraft for carrying freight o Carry-on baggage is limited by regulations as to size and weight and items in excess of this should be stowed in the luggage hold. ■ verb 1. to keep and prevent from moving o The function of the autopilot system is to hold the aircraft on a desired flight path by means of gyroscopes and/or accelerometers. o If the operating pressure falls or fails, a mechanical lock holds the reverser in the forward thrust position. 2. to keep an aircraft in a particular position on the ground or in the air while waiting for further clearance from air traffic control o It is normal practice for ATC to hold taxiing aircraft well clear of the glide path and localizer antenna when visibility is poor. 3. to have and keep in the hand o Hold the microphone in your right hand. □ handheld possible to hold in the hand o Nowadays, headsets are usually used in preference to hand-held microphones. 4. to have (note: holding – held) □ he holds an IMC rating he has an IMC rating

holdertmp33E5_thumbnoun 1. a device for holding something o a holder for a fire extinguisher 2. a person who has a particular title or qualification o a holder of two awards for distinguished service

holding fueltmp33E6_thumbnoun extra fuel carried by an aircraft to allow for time spent in the hold waiting for air traffic control clearance holding pattern noun a racetrack-shaped flight pattern with two parallel sides and two turns, flown usually while an aircraft is waiting for clearance to land

holding pointtmp33E7_thumbnoun 1. a particular location, in the air or on the ground where aircraft spend time, waiting for further clearance from air traffic control 2. a place, often designated Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc., where aircraft wait before entering the runway, as instructed by air traffic control

holding stacktmp33E8_thumban area of airspace where planes are instructed to wait before landing if there are delays (note: Aircraft circle and descend according to the controller’s instructions until they are released from the lowest height in the stack for their final approach to the airport.)

hollowtmp33E9_thumbadjective having a space within, not solid o a hollow drive shaft Opposite solid hometmp33E10_thumbnoun the home airfield □ home airfield the airfield which one returns to after a two-leg flight

homewardtmp33E11_thumbadjective going towards home o homeward journey ■ adverb □ homeward bound heading towards home

homewardstmp33E12_thumbadverb towards home o They were heading homewards when the accident happened.

homingtmp33E13_thumbnoun a flight towards or away from a radio station while using direction finding equipment o Where an RBI is fitted, homing to an NDB can be made by initially turning the aircraft until the relative bearing is zero.

homogeneoustmp34C1_thumb adjective of the same kind o If the air over a large region were homogeneous, there would be no horizontal differences in surface temperature. o The atmosphere is not homogeneous — pressure, temperature and humidity can all change with height.

hoptmp34C2_thumbnoun a flight or section of a flight in an aircraft (informal)

horizontmp34C3_thumbnoun the line where the sky and the ground appear to join □ visual horizon a horizon which can be seen

horizontaltmp34C4_thumbadjective parallel to the horizon, or at right angles to the vertical o The horizontal motion of air is known as wind.

horizontal axistmp34C5_thumbtmp34C6_thumbnoun a horizontal reference line of a graph o The plot shows the effect of airspeed on lift with airspeed shown on the horizontal axis and lift on the vertical axis.

horizontal situation indicatortmp34C7_thumbnoun a cockpit instrument which gives the pilot information about the direction of the aircraft’s flight path o On the aircraft, the horizontal situation indicator is located on the instrument panel below the attitude indicator. Abbreviation HSI

comment: The horizontal situation indicator combines the function of the heading indicator and a VOR/ILS display.

horizontalstabilisertmp34C8_thumbnoun a tailplane o The horizontal stabiliser provides stability about the lateral axis of the aircraft.

horntmp34C9_thumb‘ noun a device for projecting sound □ warning horn device which emits a loud warning noise

horn balancetmp34C10_thumbnoun part of a control surface forward of the hinge line which reduces the force needed by the pilot to move the surface

horsepowertmp34C11_thumbnoun the accepted unit for measuring the rate of doing work o Horsepower is defined as 33,000foot-pounds of work done in one minute.

Abbreviation h.p., HP hosetmp34C12_thumbnoun a long, flexible pipe usually made of fabric, plastic or rubber for pumping gases or liquids □ refuelling hose a flexible pipe used to pump fuel from the bowser to the aircraft

hottmp34C13_thumbadjective very warm, having a high temperature o hot weather □ hot air air introduced to melt ice forming in the carburettor in a piston engine aircraft

hourtmp34C14_thumbnoun 1. a period of time which lasts sixty minutes o It’s a three-hour flight to Greece from London. 2. a method of indicating time o Flight BA 321 landed at Heathrow at 10.30 hours.

housetmp34C15_thumb/ verb to contain or accommodate o The areas between the ribs in the wings are utilised to house fuel tanks. o The wing tips house the navigation lights.

housingtmp34C16_thumbnoun a compartment or container o The crankcase is the housing that encloses the various mechanical parts surrounding the crankshaft. □ engine housing engine compartment

hovertmp34C17_thumbverb to remain stationary, relative to the earth, while in the air ■ noun a period of stationary flight o During a hover, helicopter pilots must be able to coordinate movements of both hands and feet.

hovercrafttmp34C18_thumbnoun a vehicle that can travel over land and water supported on a cushion of air that is produced by a powerful engine that blows air downwards. Also called air cushion vehicle, ground effect machine

howevertmp34C19_thumbadverb but o The wind was gusty, however the landing was good. o The incident was serious, however she escaped with only a warning.

hrs abbreviation hours

HSI abbreviation horizontal situation indicator

hubtmp34C20_thumbnoun a major airport where international or long-distance flights take off and land

hub airporttmp3621_thumbnoun same as hub

HUD abbreviation head-up display

human factorstmp3622_thumbnoun the study of the way in which humans handle, and react to, things in their environment. It is used in aviation to develop safer systems and procedures. (note: Human factors is followed by a verb in the singular.)

humid _tmp3623_thumbadjective containing a lot of water vapour □ humid weather weather which, although warm, feels damp and uncomfortable

humiditytmp3624_thumbnoun a measurement of how much water vapour is contained in the air □ the humidity is high there is a lot of moisture or water vapour in the air

hydraulictmp3625_thumbadjective referring to any system or device which uses fluids such as oil to transmit a force from one place to another using pipes o a hydraulic pump

hydraulic fluidtmp3626_thumbnoun thin oil used in hydraulic braking systems, etc.

hydraulic pressuretmp3627_thumbtmp3628_thumbnoun the pressure exerted by hydraulic fluid

hydraulic tubingtmp3629_thumbtmp36210_thumbnoun system of tubes or thin pipes connecting the main components  of a hydraulic system hydro-tmp36211_thumbprefix water o a hydro-mechanical governor hygrometertmp36212_thumbnoun an instrument used for the measurement of humidity o The most common type of hygrometer is the wet and dry bulb thermometer arrangement.

hypoxiatmp36213_thumb‘ noun a medical condition in which not enough oxygen is supplied to the body o The symptoms of hypoxia are sometimes difficult to detect.

comment: Cabin pressurisation or oxygen equipment is usually required for flying at altitudes at or above about 10,000 ft (3,048 m).

Hz abbreviation Hertz

IAStmp3701_thumbabbreviation indicated airspeed

IATA abbreviation International Air Transport Association I-beamtmp3702_thumb‘ a large bar of metal or some other  strong substance with a cross-section shaped like the letter ‘I’ ICAOtmp3703_thumb‘ abbreviation International Civil Aviation Organization icetmp3704_thumbnoun frozen water

Ice crystaltmp3705_thumbnoun a type of precipitation composed of crystals in the form of needles, plates or columns

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