Mathematical Analysis of a Theoretical Simple Refrigeration System (Automobile)


Mathematical Analysis of a Theoretical Simple Refrigeration System

The simple vapour compression cycle of refrigeration, shown in Fig. 33.4 is analyzed so as to study the heat and work energy transfer in each of its processes.

Mass of Refrigeration in Circulation.

Refrigerating effect is equal to (h-B – h-A) kJ/kg of refrigerant. One ton of refrigeration is the rate of rejection of heat at the rate of 3.5 kJ/s. Then, the mass of refrigerant in circulation is

Theoretical Piston Displacement.

Hvb is the specific volume of the vapour at B i.e., at the suction to the compressor, and r\v is the total volumetric efficiency of the compressor, then,


Theoretical Power Required.


Heat Rejection to Cylinder Jacket.

If the compression is not assumed as adiabatic and the cylinders of the machine are water jacketed, as in the case of ammonia plant, then the heat rejected to water jackets is equal to

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