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A RESTful Service for Linking Sensors
and Cellular Spaces
U. Isikdag
Abstract More and more devices are starting to be connected to the Internet. In the
future the Internet will not only be a communication medium for people, it will in
fact be a communication environment for devices. The connected devices which
are also referred as Things will have an ability to interact with other devices over
the Internet, (i) provide information in interoperable form and (ii) consume/utilize
such information with the help of sensors embedded in them. This overall concept
is known as Internet-of-Things (IoT). This requires new approaches to be investi-
gated for system architectures to establish relations between spaces and sensors.
The research presented in this chapter elaborates on an architecture developed with
this aim, i.e. linking spaces and sensors using a RESTful approach. The objective
is making spaces aware of (sensor-embedded) devices, and making devices aware
of spaces in a loosely coupled way (i.e. a state/usage/function change in the spaces
would not have effect on sensors, similarly a location/state/usage/function change in
sensors would not have any effect on spaces). The proposed architecture also ena-
bles the automatic assignment of sensors to spaces depending on space geometry
and sensor location.
Keywords  Web services • Sensors • 3D • Spaces
1 Introduction
In near future, increasing number of connected devices will make use of sensors
and actuators to acquire information from their surrounding environment and to
act accordingly. The connected devices (which are also referred as Things) will
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