Geoscience Reference
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The Temporal Dimension in a 4D
Archaeological Data Model: Applicability
of the Geoinformation Standard
Berdien De Roo, Nico Van de Weghe, Jean Bourgeois
and Philippe De Maeyer
Abstract Moving beyond the traditional border of two-dimensionality towards
handling the third and even fourth, temporal, dimension in a GIS has been attract-
ing many researchers. Archaeological data are inherently 3D and linked with time,
which makes a 4D GIS tailored to archaeological data beneficial. Such a system
would facilitate the handling of the three spatial and temporal dimension simultane-
ously and so enable better insights and more complex analyses. Its basis must be a
conceptual data model, which pays attention to existing data models and standards.
Therefore, this chapter focusses on the applicability of the ISO 19108 geo-
information standard to describe temporal information, which is a crucial aspect in
archaeological research. For a set of six common temporal categories, e.g. the exca-
vation time, the appropriate description according to this standard is determined.
This will indicate in which cases the internationally recognized standard is suitable
for use in an archaeological data model. Furthermore, part of the West European
archaeological time scale is constructed as temporal ordinal reference system.
For the first version, the NBN EN ISO 19108:2005 structure is used, whereas the
second and third are based on geological variants. The results of the performed
analysis are favorable to the usability of the ISO 19108 standard in archaeology;
however, other temporal standards or data models may yield up better results.
Keywords  ISO 19108 • Temporal information • Archaeological data • 4D • Time 
scale • Topology
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