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Fig. 1 Map of a cadastral section produced early 20th century ( source DGT—Portugal's
mapping and cadastral agency)
any country's economy, will not change as such and hence will continue to be
significant. A third requirement for cadastre has emerged more recently: urban/
regional planning. It is within this context that cadastral survey information
became even more crucial. Given its level of detail and amount of data, cadastral
survey information constitutes nowadays the most critical land base information to
support development and planning in governance (Khoo 2012 ).
Aware of the facts above, the Portuguese government took an historical decision
in 2006 towards the implementation of a centralised distributed—through the World
Wide Web—cadastral management system (formalised by Cabinet Resolution nr.
45/2006): the design and implementation of the so-called SiNErGIC (PCM 2006 ).
The main goal of such a system is to make available the existence of a multipurpose
cadastral system in Portugal setup as an “exhaustive, methodical, and up-to-date set
of data able to uniquely identify and describe property parcels” (DGT 2012 ).
The main objectives of SiNErGIC can be summarised as follows (PCM 2006 ):
• To unify and concentrate within a single system both current and future cadas-
tral data
• To assure its compatibility with other institutions' electronic systems involved in
this project
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