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Towards a Property Registry 3D Model
in Portugal: Preliminary Case Study
Implementation Tests
José-Paulo de Almeida, Xiangyi Liu, Claire Ellul
and Maria Manuel Rodrigues-de-Carvalho
Abstract The 3D concept emerged as a key concept within geoinformation science.
3D geoinformation has been proved to be feasible and its added value over 2D geo-
information is widely acknowledged by researchers from various fields. Even so, 3D
concept merits still need to be exploited further and more specific applications and
associate products are needed—such as within property cadastre, our ultimate field
of interest. The growing densification of urban land-use is consequently increas-
ing situations of vertical stratification of rights. Traditional 2D cadastral models are
not able to fully handle spatial information on those ownership rights in the third
dimension, thus 3D cadastre has been attracting researchers to better register and
spatially represent real world overlapping situations. A centralised distributed cadas-
tral management system, implementing a 2D cadastral model, has been conceived
by the national cadastral agency in Portugal: the so-called SiNErGIC. The authors
seek to show that there is room though for further investigation on the suitability of
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