Geoscience Reference
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Indoor::FixedChair , Indoor::CounsellingWindow , Indoor::DocumentCabinet , and
Indoor::MirrorStand . The properties of the Indoor::ToiletFurniture are admin-
istrator , installationData , inspector , inspectionInterval , upcomingSchedule ,
contactInfo , and contactMan . Indoor::Bowl , Indoor::Sink , and Indoor::Urinal are
additional feature classes for the toilet facility management.
4 Implementation
In the previous section, CityGML Indoor ADE is represented by UML class dia-
gram. To show the effectiveness of the model, we implemented the model on two
points of view. The first point of view is the validation of the CityGML Indoor
ADE. To validate the model, we generated a XML schema and a sample XML
document based on the schema. Then, we verified the representational errors of
our model through visualizing sample XML documents. The other point of view
is the application ability of the proposed data model. To show the practical ability
of our model, we constructed data of indoor space and facilities. Then, we showed
that our data model is sufficient to apply to management systems for indoor space
and facility through various attributes of indoor features.
4.1 Validation of the CityGML Indoor ADE Indoor Space
To validate the expressiveness of proposed data model, we checked implementa-
tion for the CityGML Indoor ADE indoor space module as following three steps.
The first step is the implementation of our model as XML schema file to construct
indoor data, and second step is the validation of the XML schema file by generat-
ing a XML sample data. Final step is the verification of expressiveness and cor-
rectness by visualization software.
Firstly we generated a XML schema (GML application schema) from the
CityGML Indoor ADE UML diagram defined in the Fig. 7 especially for the
indoor space model. The Enterprise Architect Engineering Edition 3 is used to gen-
erate the schema file and the XMLspy 4 is used to validate the XML schema file. In
the model, we only defined specific geometric types for indoor spaces. Hence the
XML schema only included the indoor space module. Figure 12 depicted some
parts of the XML schema.
3 Enterprise Architect Engineering Edition, Sparx Systems,
products/ea/systems.html .
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