Geoscience Reference
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the class, and the usage shows where the class can be used. IntBuildingInstallation
and Room are aggregated with _AbstractBuilding whose attributes are class , func-
tion , usage , yearOfConstruction , yearOfDemolition , roofType , measuredHeight ,
storeysAboveGround , storeyHeightsAboveGround , and storeyHeightsBelow-
Ground . The class , function , and usage inherit the same attribute from CityObject,
yearOfConstruction describes the date of construction, yearOfDemolition repre-
sents the date of demolish. The roofType is specified in a code list, and measrued-
Height is the height of the building. storeyAboveGround is the number of floors,
storeyBelowGround is the number of basements. storeyHeightsAboveGround
represents height from ground to the top of the building, and storeyHeightBe-
lowGround describes height from the lowest of the building in the underground
to the ground . IntBuildingInstallation defines that the fixed facilities in the build-
ing. It has class , function , and usage as the attributes. Class describes the clas-
sification of the installation in the building, function is the purpose to use it, and
usage is where the installation uses. Room describes the indoor spaces, and the
attributes are class , function , and usage . The class is the classification of the
room , the function and usage represent the objective for using the indoor spaces.
IntBuildingInstallation , Room and Indoor::storey are aggregated with Indoor::
InteriorBuildingObject whose attributes are ID for distinguishing interior object in
the building, class to represent type of object, function, and usage. Indoor::Storey
is associated with Indoor::InteriorBuildingObject , and attribute includes ID for
distinguishing the floor of the building, name which is given on each floor of the
building, base elevation is measured elevation of the story in meter, and vertical
order is used to classify and order the storeys in the building.
3.3 Indoor Facility Feature Model
The facility generally means the pieces of equipment like a drain pipe, water pipe,
gas pipe, electrical wiring, and so on. In this chapter, we have defined the facilities
which are installed in public institutes for the various purposes such as prevention of
disaster, public convenience, and so on. Figure 8 shows the facilities that we defined.
Most of people spend time in indoor space such as underground metro sta-
tions and complex buildings. Therefore, we examine the requirements to man-
age indoor facility at the public institutions like subway stations and complex
office buildings in Seoul, South Korea. Field survey on indoor facility has per-
formed to collect indoor facility feature information used for the indoor facility
management applications after that Indoor Facility Feature Model is proposed
to add additional classes to manage indoor facility. To manage indoor facili-
ties in the public institutions, we need to define the facility feature classes rep-
resenting public facilities like disaster facility, convenience facility, toilet
facility, office facility, screen door, and mobile facility. CityGML building
module has defined some feature classes to represent facility in indoor space.
The classes are IntBuildingInstallation and BuildingFurniture , and specific
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