Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 6 Basic concept of
development for CityGML
indoor ADE
The Indoor Space Feature Model represents space features like reading rooms,
meeting rooms, and office rooms. Indoor Facility Feature Model describes indoor
facility features such as disaster facility, convenience facility, and mobile facility.
In the following, we focus on public institutes such as underground metro stations
or public complex buildings where are mass transits of people in indoor space.
A number of subway stations and public government buildings are concentrated
in Seoul, South Korea. Therefore, we define additional features to manage indoor
space and indoor facility focusing on the public institutes in Seoul, and UML dia-
gram is depicted as the below by adding new features used for indoor space and
facility management applications.
3.2 Indoor Space Feature Model
CityGML building module has the feature models to represent room, building
furniture, boundary surface, and opening in indoor space. However, the existing
model needs to include detailed feature classes to develop appropriate indoor mod-
els for indoor space management.
In order to manage indoor space, floor management is necessary, while the
CityGML building model does not have a feature class representing story for man-
aging floors. For example, a ticket gate is located at the first floor, and a subway
platform is on the other floor in underground metro station. In this case, because
each floor may have different functions to provide indoor LBSs to subway users,
we may need to manage indoor spaces by separating storeys.
The CityGML model has the feature classes representing interior building
installations and rooms in indoor space. The feature model needs to represent the
rooms as a set feature by combining the rooms in indoor space. For example, in a
public complex building, the meeting rooms and conference rooms can be Zone 1
defined as a set feature, and the break rooms and rest rooms can be classified as
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