Geoscience Reference
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6 Conclusion
In this chapter, we have proposed a complete study on the production of a generic
augmented reality Telescope, including the underlying software, hardware, ergo-
nomic constraints, and extensible architecture.
The platform we presented is based on dynamic calibration; it can be set up on
every site around the world. The software architecture is open and portable and can
be interfaced to any kind of software modeler ( 3DVIA , OpenSceneGraph , etc.).
We also presented a final use case based on TerraNumerica cartography of
Paris , and a testing protocol, together with a practical use case in the “ Champs -
Elysée ” area. The purpose of this use case was heritage valorization.
The System we detailed in this chapter is extensible and modular. Once imple-
mented, it can be considered as a research platform, allowing new approaches of
observing and thinking the city. This System incites creativity.
7 Perspectives
7.1 Use case
We have to test the telescope on the basis of more accurate testing protocols per-
taining to its functionality. The feedback we were given from the tourists was usu-
ally enthusiastic, but however we still are not aware that our telescope improves:
• Their tourism experience
• The visual search of historical building
• The identiication of historical building.
7.2 Incrustation
We could incrust several other things besides the information balloons. For exam-
ple, we could incrust a 3D model of historical buildings which would temporary
be hidden by fog (0).
7.3 Multimedia
We wish the telescope experiences to be as interactive as can be. There is a micro-
phone and headphone affixed to the telescope. This is particularly useful if we
want sharing the experience between the users of two telescopes. For example, we
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