Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 2 Identical GMO's displayed in three different clients
clients only implement the API for handling GMOs, which accounts circa
twenty methods. The city model itself has several times more methods. Three
main practical properties, which might be hard to address using non-GMO
solutions, are:
1. The model brings all its functionality to the different clients,
2. The model specification and definition may undertake big changes while the
API for GMO could be implemented independently in parallel,
3. Once the GMO API is done the software client is ready for all future currently
non-existent models using the GMO method.
GRIFIN is an experimental library that additionally implements several practi-
cal features not addressed in this article including mechanisms for storage and
retrieval of GMOs, exchange of GMOs over network, automatic 2D interpretation
of 3D geometries, support for visualization, and API for client applications to use
GMOs. The experiment is maintained at , and is provided under
the GNU General Public License.
It is not possible to compare this solution to any other known one because each
GMO is a little executable held together in the GRIFIN framework. No one else
has chosen this approach why for instance the data structure, data exchange and
interaction is very different to other systems, which may in general look like a
similar solution but in reality is far away.
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