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Bavarian 3D Building Model and Update
Concept Based on LiDAR, Image Matching
and Cadastre Information
K. Aringer and R. Roschlaub
Abstract The Bavarian State Office for Surveying and Geoinformation has
launched a statewide 3D Building Model with standardized roof shapes without
textures for all 8.1 million buildings in Bavaria. For acquisition of the 3D Building
Model LiDAR-data are used as data basis as well as the building ground plans of
the official cadastral map and a list of standardized roof shapes. The data man-
agement of the 3D Building Model is carried out by a central database with the
usage of a nationwide standardized data model and the data exchange interface
CityGML. On the one hand the update of the 3D Building Model for new build-
ings is done by terrestrial building measurements within the maintenance process
of the cadastre. On the other hand the roofs of buildings which were built after
the LiDAR flight and which were not measured terrestrially yet, are captured by
means of picture-based digital surface-models derived from image-matching of
oriented aerial photographs (DSM from image matching).
Keywords  Roof type extraction from LiDAR • LoD2 • Cadastre boundary •
CityGML · Image matching
1 Introduction
Due to the federal structure in Germany the official surveying and mapping is
assigned to the states. Therefore, nationwide projects need close cooperation
and commitment by the states. »The Cadastral and Surveying Authorities of the
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