Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 7 List view representation of a real life building
7 Future Outlook
The research presents and architecture for linking discrete spaces and sensors
using a RESTful approach. The developed framework serves for the purpose of
making spaces aware of (sensor-embedded) devices, and making devices aware
of spaces in a loosely coupled way. The ongoing research now concentrates on
implementing this approach in real life buildings where advanced spatial hier-
archies are present. For instance, Fig. 7 shows a List View Representation of
a Building Storey returned as a result of a RESTful query. These ListViews are
generic, i.e. automatically generated based on RESTful queries on any level of
the hierarchy. Starting from each ListView the KML or ListView representation
of any level of the spatial/semantic hierarchy (e.g. Building/Storey/Room) or the
status any device/sensor (such as being in an alerting condition) can be obtained
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