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Figure 8.6. Source-bordering dune, lower Blue Nile, central Sudan.
Holocene vegetation of the Sudan. The second arid phase was brief and only involved
a 200 km southward shift of the wind and rainfall belts. Warren equated the final
moist phase with the moist Neolithic phase, dated to 7-5 ka in Chad. However,
in the absence of any direct dating of the dunes themselves, these conclusions must
remain speculative - working hypotheses to be tested by future investigation involving
luminescence dating of the dune sands.
8.6 Paleochannels and source-bordering dunes
One particular type of dune common in areas where rivers flow into deserts is genetic-
ally associatedwith the presence of a regular supply of alluvial sand transported by sea-
sonally flowing streams. Such dunes are termed source-bordering dunes ( Figure 8.6 )
but should more strictly be defined as 'fluvial' or 'riverine source-bordering sand
dunes' (Page et al., 2001 ), and they have attracted particular attention in Australia
(Wasson, 1976 ;Bowler, 1978a ;Bowler, 1978b ; Williams et al., 1991a ; Nanson et al.,
1995 ;Pageetal., 2001 ; Maroulis et al., 2007 ;Cohenetal., 2010a ). Three condi-
tions appear to be necessary for the formation of fluvial source-bordering dunes.
The first prerequisite is a regular supply of bed-load sands brought in by rivers that
dry out seasonally, leaving their sandy point-bars exposed to deflation. The second
requirement is an absence of riparian vegetation so that sand movement out of the
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