Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 3.17 Efficiency of Central European circulation types (Grosswetterlage) to produce a low-
level jet from two years of SODAR data
Such a high efficiency for forming a low-level jet allows for a quite certain
forecast of the occurrence of a low-level jet. Once such weather types are fore-
casted a low-level jet will form with a very high probability. The values given in
Fig. 3.17 can be used to give the low-level jet formation probability for Northern
Germany for each of the weather types. For other areas the investigation has to be
repeated with local low-level jet data. Vertical Wind Profiles Below the Jet Core
The vertical wind profile during the occurrence of a low-level jet is modified from
( 3.16 ). Empirically we suggest from SODAR measurements:
z llj z p z llj z
u ð z Þ¼ u log ð z Þ
1 þ Du llj
ð 3 : 92 Þ
z llj z p
where u log (z) is the equilibrium wind speed from ( 3.16 ), Du llj the relative speed-up
with reference to u log (z) in the centre of the low-level jet, z llj the height of the
centre of the low-level jet over ground and z p the height of the surface layer.
A low-level jet is related to a turning of the wind direction with height, d(z) as
well. Another empirical relation similar to ( 3.92 ) can be formulated:
z llj z p z llj z
d ð z Þ¼ d ð z p Þþ Dd llj
ð 3 : 93 Þ
z llj z p
where Dd llj is the absolute turning of wind direction from the top of the surface
layer to the core of the low-level jet in degrees. This turning may be illustrated
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