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þ 4 : 7
z 0
L [ 0
a ð a 1 Þ¼ ln
ð 3 : 36 Þ
Now, for stable stratification—in contrast to the neutral stratification above and
to unstable conditions—we have the possibility to define conditions in which
Eqs. ( 3.34 ) and ( 3.36 ) can be valid simultaneously. For such a power law profile
which has equal slope and curvature at the height z = z A , the following relation
between the Hellmann exponent, a and the stability parameter, z/L * must hold:
a ¼ 1 1 þ 4 : 7
ð 3 : 37 Þ
In contrast to the neutral case it is possible to find an exponent a for stable
conditions, but this exponent depends on the static stability (expressed by z/L * )of
the flow. The possible values for a in the phase space spanned by z/z 0 and z/L * can
be found by either equating ( 3.34 ) and ( 3.37 ) or by equating ( 3.36 ) and ( 3.37 ):
¼ 2 þ
z 0
4 : 7
ð 3 : 38 Þ
Figure 3.6 illustrates the solutions from Eqs. ( 3.33 )to( 3.36 ), and ( 3.38 ). An
evaluation of ( 3.38 ) demonstrates that the stability of the atmosphere must increase
with increasing roughness and decreasing anemometer height in order to find a
power law profile with the same slope and curvature as the logarithmic profile. The
curved thin lines from the lower left to the upper right represent the solution of
Eqs. ( 3.33 ) and ( 3.34 ), the lines with the maximum just left of z/L * = 0 the
solution of Eqs. ( 3.35 ) and ( 3.36 ) (please note that the lowest line is the one for
a = 0.5, and that the lines for a = 0.3 and a = 0.7 are identical), and the thick
line marks the solution of ( 3.38 ). As designed, the thick curve goes through the
points where solutions from ( 3.34 ) and ( 3.36 ) are identical.
Figure 3.7 displays three examples of wind profiles for non-neutral stratification,
one for unstable conditions and a large roughness length, one which lies exactly on
the curve from Eq. ( 3.38 ) so that slope and curvature coincide simultaneously, and
one for very stable conditions. For a roughness length of z 0 = 0.023 m (z/
z 0 = 2,173) and a Obukhov length of L * = 1,500 m (z/L * = 0.0333) a power law
profile with a = 0.15 has equal slope and curvature at z = z A = 50 m as the log-
arithmic profile. At z = 100 m the two profiles only differ by 0.1 %, at 10 m by
0.9 %. This is an even better fit than the fit for the neutral wind profile with z/
z 0 = 5,000 in Fig. 3.4 . For the two profiles under unstable conditions the respective
deviations at 100 m and at 10 m are 4.5 and 89.9 %, for the two profiles under very
stable conditions these deviations are -3.5 and -14.0 %.
This extension of Sedefian's ( 1980 ) analysis has shown that only for certain
conditions in stably stratified boundary-layer flow is it possible to find a power law
profile that has the same slope and curvature as a logarithmic wind profile and thus
fits the logarithmic profile almost perfectly over a wide height range. In a purely
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