Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Craig, R. A. (1965) The Upper Atmosphere: Meteorology
and Physics , Academic Press, New York, 509pp.
[Classic text on the upper atmosphere, prior to the
recogntion of the ozone problem.]
Crowley, T. J. and North, G. R. (1991) Paleoclimatology ,
Oxford University Press, New York and Oxford, 339pp.
[Thorough, modern overview of climate history.]
Houghton, J. T., Jenkins, G. J. and Ephraums, J. J.
(eds) (1990) Climate Change: The IPCC Scientific
Assessment , Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
365pp. [The first comprehensive assessment of global
climate change.]
Houghton, J. Y. et al . (2001) Climate Change 2001.
The Scientific Basis , Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 881pp. [The third IPCC assessment.]
Kellogg, W. W. and Schware, R. (1981) Climate Change
and Society , Westview Press, Boulder, CO, 178pp.
[Early coverage of the societal implications of climate
NERC (1989) Our Future World: Global Environmental
Research , NERC, London, 28pp. [Brief overview of
major issues.]
Rex, D. F. (ed.) (1969) Climate of the Free Atmosphere,
Vol.1: World Survey of Climatology , Elsevier,
Amsterdam, 450 pp. [Useful reference on atmospheric
structure and the stratosphere.]
Roland, F. S. and Isaksen, I. S. A. (eds) (1988) The
Changing Atmosphere , J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester,
296 pp. [Treats atmospheric chemistry, especially
trace gases, aerosols, tropospheric pollution and
Air is highly compressible, so that half of its mass
occurs in the lowest 5 km, and pressure decreases
logarithmically with height from an average sea-level
value of 1013 mb. The vertical structure of the atmos-
phere comprises three relatively warm layers - the
lower troposphere, the stratopause and the upper
thermosphere - separated by a cold layer above
the tropopause (in the lower stratosphere), and the
mesopause. The temperature profile is determined by
atmospheric absorption of solar radiation, and the
decrease of density with height.
What properties distinguish the different layers of
the atmosphere?
What differences would exist in a dry atmosphere
compared with the real atmosphere?
What role is played by water vapour, ozone, carbon
dioxide, methane and CFCs in the radiation balance
of the atmosphere?
Given the strong pressure gradient upward from the
surface, why is there no large-scale upward flow of
Bach, W. (1976) Global air pollution and climatic change.
Rev. Geophys. Space Phys . 14, 429-74.
Bojkov, R. D. and Fioletov, V. E. (1995) Estimating the
global ozone characteristics during the last 30 years.
J. Geophys. Res. 100 (D8), 16, 537-51.
Bojkov, R. D. et al . (2002) Vertical ozone distribution
characteristics deduced from ~ 44,000 re-evaluated
Umkehr profiles (1957-2000). Met. Atmos. Phys.
79(3-4), 1217-58.
Bolle, H-J., Seiler, W. and Bolin, B. (1986) Other
greenhouse gases and aerosols. In Bolin, B. et al .
(eds) The Greenhouse Effect, Climatic Change, and
Ecosystems , John Wiley & Sons, Chichester,
pp. 157-203.
Brugge, R. (1996) Back to basics: Atmospheric stability.
Part I - Basic concepts. Weather 51(4), 134-40.
Defant, F. R. and Taba, H. (1957) The threefold structure
of the atmosphere and the characteristics of the
tropopause. Tellus 9, 259-74.
Andreae, M. O. and Schimel, D. S. (1989) Exchange of
Trace Gases Between Terrestrial Ecosystems and the
Atmosphere , J. Wiley & Sons, Chicester, 347pp.
[Detailed technical treatment.]
Bolin, B., Degens, E. T., Kempe, S. and Ketner, P.
(eds) (1979) The Global Carbon Cycle (SCOPE 13), J.
Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 528pp. [Important early
Bolin, B., Döös, B. R., Jäger, J. and Warrick, R. A. (eds)
(1986) The Greenhouse Effect, Climatic Change, and
Ecosystems (SCOPE 29), J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester,
Bridgman, H. A. (1990) Global Air Pollution: Problems
for the 1990s , Belhaven Press, London, 201pp. [Broad
survey of air pollution causes and processes by a
geographer; includes greenhouse gases.]
Brimblecombe, P. (1986) Air: Composition and Chemistry ,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 224pp.
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