Geoscience Reference
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Plate 3 The TIROS-N satellite system consisting of two spacecraft in polar orbit at 833 and 870 km, respectively. The orbital plane
of the second satellite lags 90° longitude behind that of the first and the orbital plane of each processes eastward at about 1° longitude
per day. Each satellite transmits data from a circular area of the earth's surface 6200 km in diameter. The satellites make 14.18 and
14.07 orbits of the earth per day, respectively, such that each point on the earth is sensed for 13 to 14 minutes at a time ( NOAA ).
Plate 4 Cumulus towers with powerful thunderstorms along the ITCZ over Zaire photographed in April 1983 from the space shuttle
at an elevation of 280 km. The largest tower shows a double mushroom cap reaching to more than 15,240 m and the symmetrical
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