Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Taylor, J. A. and Yates, R. A. (1967) British Weather
in Maps, 2nd edn, Macmillan, London 315pp,
[Illustrates how to interpret synoptic maps
and weather reports, including the lapse-rate
Church, C. R., Burgess, D., Doswell, C. and Davies-
Jones, R. P. (eds) (1993) The Tornado: Its
Structure, Dynamics, Prediction, and Hazards.
Geophys. Monogr. 79, Amer. Geophys. Union,
Washington, DC, 637pp. [Comprehensive
accounts of vortex theory and modeling,
observations of tornadic thunderstorms and
tornadoes, tornado climatology , forecasting,
hazards and damage surveys]
Karoly, D. I. and Vincent, D. G. (1998) Meteorology
of the Southern Hemisphere. Met. Monogr.
27(49)., American Meteorological Society,
Boston, MA, 410pp. [Comprehensive modern
account of the circulation, meteorology of the
land masses and Pacific Ocean, mesoscale
processes, climate variability and change and
Kessler, E. (ed.) (1986) Thunderstorm Morphology
and Dynamics, University of Oklahoma Press,
Norman, OK, 411pp. [Comprehensive accounts
by leading experts on convection and its
modeling, all aspects of thunderstorm proces-
ses and occurrence in different environments,
hail, lightning and tornadoes]
Newton, C. W. (ed.) (1972) Meteorology of the
Southern Hemisphere, Met. Monogr. 13(35),
American Meteorological Society, Boston,
MA, 263pp. [Original comprehensive account
now largely replaced by Karoly and Vincent,
Newton, C. W. and Holopainen, E. D. (eds) (1990)
Extratropical Cyclones: Palmén Memorial
Symposium, American Meteorological Society,
Boston, MA, 262pp. [Invited and contributed
conference papers and review articles by
leading specialists]
Preston-Whyte, R. A. and Tyson, P. D. (1988) The
Atmosphere and Weather of Southern Africa,
Oxford University Press, Capetown, SA, 375pp.
[An introductory meteorology text from a
Southern Hemisphere viewpoint, with chapters
on circulation and weather in Southern Africa as
well as climate variability]
Riley, D. and Spolton, L. (1974) World Weather
and Climate, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 120 pp.
Strahler, A. N. (1965) Introduction to Physical
Geography, Wiley, New York, 455pp.
Ashley, W. S. (2007) Spatial and temporal analysis
of tornado fatalities in the United States:
1880-2005. Weather and Forecasting
Belasco, J. E. (1952) Characteristics of air masses
over the British Isles, Meteorological Office.
Geophysical Memoirs11(87) (34pp.).
Bennetts, D. A., Grant, J. R. and McCallum, E. (1988)
An introductory review of fronts: Part I Theory
and observations. Met. Mag.117, 357-70.
Blanchard, D. O. (1990) Mesoscale convective
patterns of the southern High Plains. Bull. Amer.
Met. Soc. 71(7), 994-1005.
Boucher, R. J. and Newcomb, R. J. (1962) Synoptic
interpretation of some TIROS vortex patterns: a
preliminary cyclone model. J. Appl. Met. 1,
Boyden, C. J. (1963) Development of the jet stream
and cut-off circulations. Met. Mag.92, 287-99.
Bracegirdle, T. J. and Gray, S. L. (2008) An objective
climatology of the dynamical forcing of polar
lows in the Nordic seas. Int. J. Climatol. 28,
Browning, K. A. (1968) The organization of severe
local storms. Weather23, 429-34.
Browning, K. A. (1985) Conceptual models of
precipitation systems, Met. Mag.114, 293-319.
Browning, K. A. (1986) Weather radar and
FRONTIERS. Weather41, 9-16.
Browning, K. A. (1990) Organization of clouds
and precipitation in extratropical cyclones,
in Newton, C. W. and Holopainen, E. D. (eds)
Extratropical Cyclones. The Erik Palmén
Memorial Volume, American Meteorological
Society, Boston, MA, 129-53.
Browning, K. A. and Hill, F. F. (1981) Orographic rain.
Weather36, 326-9.
Browning, K. A. and Roberts, N. M. (1994) Structure
of a frontal cyclone. Quart. J. Roy. Met. Soc.120,
Browning, K. A., Bader, M. J., Waters, A. J., Young,
M. V. and Monk, G. A. (1987) Application of
satellite imagery to nowcasting and very short
range forecasting. Met. Mag.116, 161-79.
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