Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Soils, Harpenden, 124pp. [A survey of the
literature on the effects of vegetation on the
hydrological cycle through interception, evapo-
transpiration, infiltration and runoff, and of
related catchment experiments around the
Petterssen, S. (1969) Introduction to Meteorology,
3rd edn, McGraw-Hill, New York, 416pp.
Rudolf, B. and Rubel, F. (2005) Global precipitation,
in Hantel, M. (ed.) Observed Global Climate.
Springer, Berlin, pp. 11.1-11.43 [An up-to-date
Sellers, W. D. (1965) Physical Climatology,
University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, 272 pp.
Strangeways, I. C. (2003) Measuring the Natural
Environment, 2nd edn. Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 548pp. [A complete account
of all kinds of instrumentation]
Sumner, G. (1988) Precipitation. Process and
Analysis. J. Wiley and Sons, Chichester, 455
pp. [Comprehensive discussion of cloud and
precipitation formation, precipitation systems,
surface measurements and their analysis in
time and space]
World Meteorological Organization (1972)
Distribution of Precipitation in Mountainous
Areas(2 vols). WMO No. 326, Geneva, 228 and
587pp. [Conference proceedings with many
valuable papers]
Borchert, J. R. (1971) The dust bowl in the 1970s.
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Browning, K. (1993) The global energy and water
cycle. NERC NewsJuly, 21-3.
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what is to blame? The Ecologist3(10), 366-71.
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Costa Rica. J. Climatology5, 175-88.
Chagnon, S. A. (2002) Frequency of heavy
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Choudhury, B. J. (1993). Desertification, in Gurney,
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Related to Global Change, Cambridge Univer-
sity Press, Cambridge, 313-25.
Deacon, E. L. (1969) Physical processes near the
surface of the earth, in Flohn, H. (ed.) General
Climatology, World Survey of Climatology 2,
Elsevier, Amsterdam, 39-104.
Dobbie, C. H. and Wolf, P. O. (1953) The Lynmouth
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Dorman, C. E. and Bourke, R. H. (1981) Precipitation
over the Atlantic Ocean, 30°S to 70°N. Monthly
Weather Review109, 554-63.
Garcia-Prieto, P. R., Ludlam, F. H. and Saunders, P.
M. (1960) The possibility of artificially increasing
rainfall on Tenerife in the Canary Islands.
Weather15, 39-51.
Gilman, C. S. (1964) Rainfall, in Chow, V. T. (ed.)
Handbook of Applied Hydrology, McGraw-Hill,
New York, section 9.
Guhathakurta, P. (2007) Highest recorded point
rainfall over India. Weather 62, 349.
Harrold, T. W. (1966) The measurement of rainfall
using radar. Weather21, 247-9 and 256-8.
Hastenrath, S. L. (1967) Rainfall distribution and
regime in Central America. Archiv. Met.
Geophys. Biokl.B. 15(3), 201-41.
Hershfield, D. M. (1961) Rainfall frequency atlas of
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US Weather Bureau, Tech. Rept. 40.
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Howe, G. M. (1956) The moisture balance in
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lesanmi, O. O. (1971) An empirical formulation of
an ITD rainfall model for the tropics: a case study
for Nigeria. J. App. Met. 10(5), 882-91.
Journal articles
Acreman, M. (1989) Extreme rainfall in Calderdale,
19 May 1989. Weather44, 438-46.
Agnew, C. T. and Chappell, A. (2000). Desiccation
in the Sahel, in McLaren, S. J. and Kniveton, D.
R. (eds), Linking Climate Change to Land
Surface Changes, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 27-48.
Armstrong, C. F. and Stidd, C. K. (1967). A moisture
balance profile on the Sierra Nevada. J. Hydrol.
5, 258-68.
Atlas, D., Chou, S-H. and Byerly, W. P. (1983) The
influence of coastal shape on winter mesoscale
air-sea interactions. Monthly Weather Review
111, 245-52.
Ayoade, J. A. (1976) A preliminary study of the
magnitude, frequency and distribution of
intense rainfall in Nigeria. Hydro. Sci. Bull. 21(3),
Bannon, J. K. and Steele, L. P. (1960) Average
water-vapour content of the air. Geophysical
Memoirs102, Meteorological Office (38pp.).
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