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components of the territory under study (see previous influencing
factors). This dimension therefore specifically refers to the idea of
evolution of the development models to be promoted in order for them
to be least vulnerable to natural hazards. Adaptation as state
Adaptation as a state refers to the practical forms of adaptation on
the ground, in the various spheres and at different spatial scales. These
forms can be realized in practical initiatives (project, associations,
national adaptation plan, change in practices, etc.) or still be at the
stage of idea (new ideas for example). The state of adaptation
expresses whether or not a society is adapted to its natural
environment at any given point in time. This refers to a certain level of
unity in time and therefore to a specific timescale. In other words,
whereas it can be said that a society is adapted (or not) to the current
variability in climate, it appears at first glance impossible to say
whether the same society is adapted (or not) to climate change. Indeed
climate change expresses conditions which are necessarily changing
and therefore which cannot exactly be predicted in advance. So a
society which is adapted to the climatic conditions at any given time T
could be maladapted anymore at time T +1 , and vice versa. Let us note
here that the discussion around relevant timescales refers to the idea of
evolving adaptation mechanisms and hence to the process dimension.
It appears that the first two dimensions, as well as the next one,
complement each other, which contributes to the coherence of the
reading framework proposed in the present study. Adaptation as a strategy
Finally, the third dimension sees in adaptation a strategy , i.e. a
policy. Adaptation here no longer refers to a logic of process or action
in the strictest meaning of the term ( state ), but rather to an intention to
adapt through the ways of occupying territories, of governing
societies, of planning development, etc. There is both an idea of
intention to adapt and the idea of being conscious of the present and
future challenges. There again, the changing nature of adaptation is
put forward and, as opposed to the dimension of state , adaptation as a
strategy assumes a mixture of different timescales, and it also involves
taking into account the various spatial scales.
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