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thus making this area as a putative hot spot zone favorable to the
transfer of antibiotic-resistance gene within the microbial
communities. These mudflats could be especially vulnerable when
they are located close to the discharged of the major source of will be
even more vulnerable when they are closer to the sources of
contamination (WWTP, hospital emissions, industrial emissions or
2.6. Acknowledgments
These studies was supported by the project FLASH (GIP Seine-
Aval/ EC2CO CNRS), SFR SCALE and by research grants from the
Haute Normandie regional council (France) for the PhD of Kenny
Oberlé, Mehdy Ratajczak and Emilie Laroche. We thank Michel
Simon, Caroline Bance and Michel Auzou for excellent technical
assistance. We thank also Michel Leroux, Aurélie Lamy, Yvon
Goarvot, Sophie Coté, and downtown pharmacists for antibiotic
consumption data, and the people that let us access to the medical
center and to the WWTP.
2.7. Bibliography
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