Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
- Project Number
- Sheet No. ___ of ___
- Reference: Easting, Northing, Elevation, Inclination
- Date started and completed
3.2 Field rock core log
The field core log may be different from the final report log. Refer previous notes
(Section 2.2) on field log versus final log.
The field log variation is based on the strength tests not being completed at the
time of boxing the cores.
Due to the relatively slow rate of obtaining samples (as compared to soil) then
there would be time to make some assessments. However, some supervisors prefer
to log all samples in the laboratory, as there is a benefit in observing the full core
length at one session.
For example, the rock quality designation (RQD). If individual box cores are
used, the assessment is on the core run length. If all boxes for a particular
borehole are logged simultaneously, the assessment RQD is on the domain
length (preferable).
Table 3.2 Field borelog.
Drilling information
Rock description
Rock mass defects
Comments and
Figure 3.1 Rock mass behaviour.
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