Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 3 Scheme of relationships among the parametric earthquake catalogues and their sources for
the 1658 earthquake. “Marcello, 1658” in a dotted frame refers to the documents by the governor
Marin Marcello as reported by Pignatorre (1887). Framed by an oval are the newly retrieved coeval
repair (Fig. 4). Deads and casualties were many, but “ Buono incontro fu che segu`ıin
tempo che tutti ancora erano in piedi, e ritirati in campagna, che han potuto fuggire
questo horribilissimo influsso ” (It was a nice coincidence that it occurred at a time
of the day when everybody was still awake, and mostly stayed in the countryside,
so that they could escape this horrible event).
Marin Marcello, at that time Provveditore Generale alle Isole del Levante , sends
a dispatch from Zakynthos, where he had arrived soon after leaving Kefallinia
(ASVe, 1658b). Two weeks later (ASVe, 1658c), when shocks were continuing and
people were still living outside, Alvise Gritti informs the Senate that up to 300
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