Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 6 Scenes of the effects of the earthquake of 10 July 1894, Gulf of Izmit, shown in “La Nature”
(1894, no. 1114)
who concentrated chiefly on the effects of the earthquake in the capital (Fig. 6). This
supports the opinion expressed by foreign eyewitnesses at the time that news in the
press about the disasters in Turkey were systematically censored.
There is also a substantial number of “original” descriptions of destructive earth-
quakes, reported not only in contemporary 16th-17th century fly-sheets but also
in early documents, which the information on examination proved to be spurious.
This shows that the fact that the information is coeval or even eyewitnessed is not
a guarantee that it is not spurious or the result of political or religious figment of
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