Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 20 Sites where
liquefaction was observed
(after Jorge, 1994)
5.4 The Return Period Associated to the Event
from Paleoseismology Studies on Tsunamis
Paleoseismology applied to earlier tsunamis which occurred in the geological past
is a new field of research which may help in identifying sites of ancient tsunami
impacts and in dating the time of their occurrence. The 1755 tsunami has always
called the interest of the few experts working in this topic.
Along this Section a recollection of studies is brought into discussion as the ulti-
mate goal of estimating the return period of such an event as 1755.
Sedimentology and geomorphology evidence of the 1755 AD Lisbon tsunami
includes sand, pebbles, and cobbles in the Scilly islands, UK, and in southern
England (Banerjee et al. 2001), and on the Algarve coast in southern Portugal
(Hindson et al. 1999, Dawson et al. 1995). Andrade (1992) reported the trans-
formation of barrier islands on the Algarve coast, e.g. overwash and channels,
generated by the 1755 AD tsunami. Kortekaasa and Dawson (2007) also found
evidence of 1755 tsunami in other sandy beach in Algarve, Martinhal, separating
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