Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 8 Epicenters during the period of 1960-2003 (IM, 2007 and Carrilho et al. , 2004). MPF -
Marques de Pombal Fault System; PSNF - Pereira de Sousa Normal Fault System; GBF - Gorringe
Bank Fault; PAF - Principes de Avis Fault; HF - Horseshoe Fault; NGBF - Northern Guadalquivir
Bank Fault; Southern Guadalquivir Bank Fault; LTVF - Lower Tagus Valley Fault
(Fig. 8). However, we can say, for the first time, that epicentral alignments (1960-
2003) in that area are becoming apparent, showing some “plausible sources”
where large magnitude events may take place. Only the years to come will or
will not confirm these patterns, and relate them to the 1755 seismic source.
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