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Fig. 5 Macroseismic map of the 18 September 1692 earthquake. Intensity is given in terms of the
EMS-98 scale
foncerent les toits, tuerent quelques habitants et blesserent les autres ” [“several
buildings were shaken; others were torn open which had to be pulled down; and
several chimneys smashed through the roofs, killed some inhabitants and injured
many others”] (G.-J. de Boussu, Histoire de la ville de Mons).
In Middelburg (intensity VI) “Die Strassen bogen sich als Wellen in der See
also dass ein jeder auff der Gassen ergriff was er kunte um sich veste zu halten.
Die Schiffe wurden mit grosser Gewalt hin und her gerworffen gleich als wenn ein
Abgrund auffgebrochen ware. Giebel, Dacher, Schorsteine und Fenster fielen herab;
und vermeynte man auch gantzlich es wurde dem grossen und starcken Abtey-
Thurme wegen seines hin und her wanckens nicht besser ergehen. Das Uhrwerck
wurde dadurch auch gantzlich verr ucket dass es gantz irrig und falsch ging” [“The
streets moved like waves in the sea so that anyone who found himself out on the
streets was obliged to hold on. The ships were thrown hither and thither with great
violence just as if an abyss were being created. Gables, roofs, chimneys and win-
dows fell down; and it was supposed that the same fate awaited the great, strong
tower of the abbey since that was also shaken to its foundations. The clock was
so completely shaken that it ceased to show the correct time and went completely
crazy”] (Ungl ucks-Chronica 1692).
German documentation and mainly the already cited “Unglucks-Chronica” al-
lowed us to evaluate intensity in some German cities and thus providing a real
improvement of our knowledge on the extension of the earthquake to the east
(Fig. 5).
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