Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 10 Intensity distribution for the June 13, 1642 earthquake (this study)
Earthquake records mainly cluster around few dates (Fig. 11). One is the 18
January, the main effects being:
i) strongly felt in Bergamo, as reported by Marchese Clemente (1660-1689)
“1661. 18 Genaro. In cerca all'hore cinque di notte venne un terremoto alquanto gagliardo
che mosse tutte le case et fece in alquanti luoghi danno notabile”
[1661. 18 January. At about the five hours of the night a vigorous earthquake happened,
shaking all the buildings and causing visible damage at some places]
and in Crema, as reported by by Canobio (1849), non coeval source, but possibly
relying upon sources today lost:
“(1661) quando finalmente la notte del 18 gennaio s'udı, tra le cinque e le sei ore, di repente
un terremoto spaventoso, che atterrı tutta la citta”
[(1661) when finally in the night of 18 January, between the fifth and the sixth hour, a
threatening earthquake suddenly occurred, and caused fear in all the town]
ii) felt in Milano by Cremosano (1642-1691)
“1661, 18 gennaio. All'ora 5 1/2 in circa gran terremoto”
[1661, 18 January. At about the 5 and 1/2 hour a strong earthquake].
The strongest event took place on 11 March; a Friday according to Calvi (1676),
who reports damage at two monasteries, in Albino and Montecchio:
“1661. Giorno di venerd ` ı[ ... ] in cui la Patria nostra fu da fierissimo terremoto crollata,
che cagion o nel territorio moltissimi danni; caduta del refettorio de' Padri di Montecchio
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