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which assessed I 6-7 at Bergamo only. This event was later investigated by Moroni
(2001); here we present an updated interpretation.
At Bergamo, according to Calvi (1676), the earthquake produced damage to the
houses and the collapse of many chimneys:
“Verso le tre hore di notte fiero terremoto scosse la nostra patria [Bergamo] apportando
alle case molti danni particolarmente ne camini, che quasi tutti cadero”
[At three hours of the night a strong earthquake shook our homeland [Bergamo] and caused
many damage to the houses, particulary to the chimneys, the most part of which collapsed.]
The source for Mantova (Gionta, 1741) reports:
“La notte delli 13 giugno in sabato, udironsi tre scosse di Tremuoto, che recarono grande
spavento, ma poco danno fecero alle fabbriche”
[On the night of 13 June, Saturday, three earthquakes were felt, which caused great fear, but
little damage to the buildings].
The source for Lecco (Cronichetta, 1718, quoted by Mercalli, 1888) reports:
“Anno 1646 - La notte avanti la Festa di S. Antonio di Padova [che cade il 13 giugno] li
12 Giugno venne un grande e spaventoso terremoto, che per lo spatio d'un miserere circa
diede tre continuati crolli. Il primo fece ben bene tremare questo Convento di Pescarenico,
il secondo fu molto piu impetuoso e formidabile, in modo che, se fosse durato pi`ud'unmis-
erere, siccome duro meno fu tenuto fermo il total diroccamento del Convento. Si svegliarono
tutti li Religiosi, e tutti gridavano Giesu e Misericordia. Il terzo crollo f`usimilealprimo
gratie a Dio, non vi fu danno notabile, come si puo vedere dalla memoria dell'Archivio.
Plico 4” (Cronichetta della fondazione del Convento de' Ceppuccini di Lecco, par. 4, p. 14)
[Year 1646. The night before St. Anthony's day (13th of June). On the 12th a great and
frightening earthquake happened, which for the duration of a miserere shook three times.
The first one shook this monastery in Pescarenico, the second one was stronger in such a
way that would have it lasted more than a miserere, but as it was shorter the complete ruin of
the monastery did not happen. All the monks woke up invoking Jesus and Mercy. The third
shock was similar to the first one. Thanks God, there was no remarkable damage, as we can
see in the document of the archive. File 4, Foundation of the Convento de' Cappuccini di
Lecco , Chronicle, sect. 4, p. 14].
We share Mercalli's opinion (1888) who considered the year “1646” the result of an
inaccurate transcription of “1642”, done by the author of the “Cronichetta” (1718)
while copying a document possibly then stored in the Lecco archive.
The earthquake was felt in Milano, where it caused panic, and possibly at the
nearby place of Gessate, where Cremosano (1642-1691) was staying with his family
at the time the earthquake occurred:
“1642, 13 giugno. Alle ore 2 1/2 di notte si fece sentire in Milano e quasi per tutta l'Italia
un terremoto qual mise grande spavento, ed io mi trovava al mio luogo di Gessate con tutta
la mia famiglia.”
[1642, 13 June. At two and a half hours of the night an earthquake was felt in Milano and
almost all Italy, causing great panic, and I was staying at my place in Gessate with all my
Cremosano proceeds saying that the bell tower of the Church of St. Stephen
“in Broglio” collapsed on 22 June, describing it as an event independent of the
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