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The above is not a satisfactory equation for finding c because we have an
unknown constant p t . To eliminate p t , we must find an independent equation
in which p t appears. We consider the horizontal equation of motion again, but
this time we consider it everywhere—not just at z ¼ 0. The inviscid, steady-state,
two-dimensional equation of motion for this case is
p 0
x þ w
z þ 0 @
x ¼ 0
ð 3
21 Þ
which is similar to (3.18), except that the vertical advection term is retained.
Combining (3.21) with the Boussinesq two-dimensional equation of continuity
x þ@
z ¼ 0
ð 3
22 Þ
we find that
u 2
p 0
x þ@=@
z ð uw Þþ 0 @
x ¼ 0
ð 3
23 Þ
We now integrate (3.23) over the x-z-plane from x ¼1 to x ¼1 and from
z ¼ 0toz ¼ H (i.e., over the entire domain), making use of (3.16) and (3.17), and
eliminate u using the mass conservation relation (3.13), to find that
c 2 Hh
2 g h 2
H h Þ¼ 0 p t H
ð 1 0 Þ= 0
ð 3
24 Þ
Eliminating p t from (3.24) and (3.20), we find that
c 2
¼ g h ½ð 1 0 Þ= 0 f 2 ½ð H h Þ=ð H þ h Þ½ð H
2 h Þ=
H g
ð 3
25 Þ
Alas, it is not obvious whether or not (3.25) will work for all values of h
must find yet another constraint to nail down c. To do so, we now make use of
the Boussinesq vorticity (the y-component) equation (2.51) in flux form, subject to
the conditions of being steady state and two dimensional (
y ¼ 0), and to the
continuity equation (3.22):
x þ@ð w
z ¼@
ð 3
26 Þ
x, the y-component of the vorticity vector. Integrating
(3.26) over the entire domain and using the upper and lower kinematic boundary
conditions w ¼ 0atz ¼ 0 and z ¼ H, and assuming that w ¼ 0atx ¼1
(altogether assuming that w ¼ 0 along all the edges of the domain), it is found
¼ @
z @
2 u 2 H ;1 ¼ g h ½ð 1 0 Þ= 0
ð 3
27 Þ
We need to find an expression now for c in terms of u H ;1 and eliminate the
latter. To do so, we use of the conservation of mass relation (3.13), noting that
u u H ;1 and find that
c 2
28 Þ
We now have two independent equations for c 2 . Setting (3.28) and (3.25) equal to
each other, we obtain the following relationship between H and h:
¼ g h ½ð 1 0 Þ= 0 2 ½ð H h Þ=
ð 3
H 2
ð H h Þ
¼½ð H h Þ=ð H þ h Þ½ð H
2 h Þ=
ð 3
29 Þ
This equation has solutions h ¼ H
2, h ¼ H,andH ¼1 . The solution h ¼ H is
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