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head or neck injury, and hence would not have lasted very long in a pachycephalo-
that habitually head-smash one another: white-bellied duikers ( Cephalophus leu-
cogaster ), which look much like deer; giraffes ( Giraffa camelopardalis ) of Africa;
and musk oxen ( Ovibos moschatus ) of North America. Other mammals they stud-
iedascontrolgroupswere:bighornsheep( Ovis canadensis ),whichhead-buttwhen
youngerbutstopsuchshenanigansonceolder;pronghorns( Antilocapra americana )
of North America, which hit each other with their antlers, but not their skulls; and
three mammals that eschew head-knocking altogether, llamas ( Lama glama ), elk
( Cervus canadensis ), and peccaries ( Tayassu tajacu ).
Their conclusions were that a few modern head-butting mammals and Stego-
ceras shared the same types of skull tissue and other cranial traits for absorbing
head-to-head blows. Having a more rounded, dome-like head was an advantage, as
well as having more compacted ( cortical ) bone supported by more porous ( cancel-
lous ) bone, like a motorcycle helmet with cushioning just below its hard exterior.
Somewhat surprisingly, duiker skulls were the most similar to those of the pachy-
cephalosaurs, despite these animals being much smaller than pachycephalosaurs.
This led these paleontologists to suggest that we should look at these hoofed mam-
mals in particular as models for pachycephalosaur behavior.
But wait! Don't give up on trace fossils just yet. If pachycephalosaurs were
impacted. Alternatively, if pachycephalosaurs went for flank butting, this behavior
would have broken ribs in the one receiving the blow, and in a definite, localized
cephalosaurs, Pachycephalosaurus ,mayhaveweighedasmuchas400kg(880lbs),
or about three times that of the largest linebackers in the NFL. Imagine, then, this
the rest of another Pachycephalosaurus behind it. Adaptations or no adaptations,
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