Geoscience Reference
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Chapter 5
Cross-Border Relationships
of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses
Hartmut Kowalke, Olaf Schmidt, Katja Lohse, and Milan Jerábek
5.1 Border Areas and Euroregions
Research on border areas is a traditional subject in geographical research (Bürkner,
1996; Arnold-Palussiére, 1983; Scott, 1999; Breysach, Paszek, & Tölle, 2003).
After the political and economic changes in Middle and Eastern Europe in
1989/1990, themes concerning research altered completely (cf. Kowalke, Jerabek, &
Schmidt 2004, 2005, 2008; Fassmann, 1997). The starting point was the functional
change of borders and therewith, the border areas. Previously, there were practically
closed borders separating Western Europe from Eastern Europe. Passenger traffic
and exchange of goods were possible, most in the national, but not regional, inter-
est until the borders opened for diverse exchange relationships. The 1st of May
2004 saw more changes in the quality of the borders. External borders converted
into internal borders after the admission of Poland and the Czech Republic into the
European Union. This had an impact on the border areas and the local businesses.
On the 21st of December 2007, the Czech Republic joined the Schengen Agreement;
thus systematic border controls of citizens were also abolished.
This new situation created advantages as well as disadvantages for the economy.
On one hand, there were more opportunities for cross-border activities (new busi-
ness relationships, bigger markets), however, on the other hand the opening of the
borders caused problems (more rigorous competition, market domination).
Thanks to the trade-off and cooperation with the executive directors of the
Euroregion Elbe/Labe in Pirna und Ústí nad Labem, the decision was made to pre-
pare a questionnaire for small- and medium-sized businesses. 1.000 businesses were
approached. Seventy-six German, and 52 Czech, companies agreed to participate in
the survey which was then carried out with interviews. The main content of the
survey was cross-border cooperation between businesses. The aim of the research
report was to survey if and to what extent businesses of the Euroregion Elbe/Labe
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