Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
crisis, which is basically caused by low competitiveness, on the one hand, and by
unfavourable natural conditions, on the other.
The number and quality of community service facilities depends on the posi-
tions of surveyed areas' in the settlement structure. The most significant complaints
of respondents pointed to insufficient shopping and servicing facilities, and limited
assortment of goods in shops associated with higher prices. The density of settle-
ments also impacts the effectiveness of the social and physical infrastructure (i.e.
education system, wastewater treatment, etc.).
Most of the surveyed areas also suffer from a lower level of accessibility by pub-
lic transport and from lower standards of roads and other means of communication.
As they are situated on the SW-NE development axis of the coal-mining basin, both
major towns are characterised by heavy traffic including heavy truck transits.
The regions' attractive landscapes and rich histories provide a great potential for
tourism . Unfortunately, the low quality of catering and accommodation facilities,
insufficient services, ineffective promotion making information about the regions
hard to obtain, as well as the neglect of historic buildings and monuments, prevent
full realisation of possible tourism activities.
Table 10.1 gives a detailed overview of the respondents' evaluation of living
conditions. It offers 17 different aspects of life in various spheres. The respondents
living in the mountains near the border, in the areas with a traditional industrial
manufacturing base and in the areas with a developing economic base expressed the
most satisfaction. On the other hand, the most criticism has been heard in the inland
periphery areas that are mainly orientated towards agriculture.
Among the various aspects, the surroundings of the settlement and the landscape
received the most approval from the respondents, followed by housing, conditions
in restaurants, education/school system and environment. Subjectively, the worst
situation concerned job opportunities and cultural life.
10.3.2 Perception of Future Development
In similar terms, the SWOT analysis has been applied to future prospects - in this
case the part dealing with opportunities and threats.
The borderland situation of the area is perceived in a positive way, mainly due to
the cross-border contacts it can offer. It is never considered as a negative condition.
The value of landscape can be improved through changes in its management
with the ultimate goal to preserve its character, as well as through providing support
to ecological family farming focused on traditional products. In contrast, there are
quite a few worries about damaging the landscape through intensive mining (in the
Central Bohemian Highland) and about harm to natural beauty spots from tourism
(cf. Balej, Andel, Oršulak, & Raška, 2008; Balej & Andel, 2008).
Objectively, positive changes resulting in decreasing unemployment can be
achieved through improvements in the education/qualification structure of the eco-
nomically active population. However, it is more likely that emigration of qualified
labour will continue and that unemployment rates will continue to rise. In some of
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