Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
14 Concluding
Angela L. Coe
In conclusion, the following list summarizes the different
stages for geological fi eldwork. It covers the preparation,
fi eldwork period and some notes on what to do after the
fi eldwork.
Before going into the fi eld
1. Be clear on the objective(s) of the fi eldwork.
2. Consult published and other information available
including relevant web material and other researchers who
have visited the area to gain a general overview.
Table 14.1 Summary of
information to consider recording
in your fi eld notebook.
3. If required, obtain permission to visit the site and sample.
4. Fill in health and safety forms, get fi rst aid training, etc., as
Field notebook information
Name and contact details
5. Put together the necessary fi eld equipment (Tables 2.1-2.3,
pp. 4 and 6).
Table of contents
Useful information
In the fi eld
6. Choose the best exposure(s) for the objective(s) of the
fi eldwork.
Date, day
7. Have at least one clear aim every day.
Sketch map of locality
8. Check for, and monitor, hazards.
Sketch(es) to show the relationship
between the units
9. Collect data, samples, etc. and start to formulate
interpretations. Use your hard copy or electronic notebook
to keep the main record of your data, sample positions,
reference to other materials with fi eld data such as maps,
thinking and planning (Table 14.1).
Sketch(es) of individual features
Data and observations
10. Collect any samples that are needed responsibly and
Reference to fi eld maps, maps,
11. At the end of each day review the work that you have
completed and amend the list of further fi eldwork tasks
and aims as required.
Preliminary interpretation(s)
Any questions
12. If possible allow time to double check any discrepancies.
To do lists
Photographs taken
List of samples
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