Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
The strike direction is exactly perpendicular
to the dip direction, so remembering where
the maximum dip lies, lift the compass-
clinometer and place the long edge of the
compass-clinometer along the line of strike.
Pivot the compass-clinometer window (as
shown by the red arrow) until it is horizontal.
Rotate the compass dial so that the compass
needle lines up with the red outline for the
north direction, checking that the compass-
clinometer is still horizontal. Take the reading
of the strike from the dial. In this case it is
008° or the other end of the line, 188°.
You can double check that the strike
direction is correct by placing the compass
on its long edge along the strike line and
checking that the dip is 0° (don't forget to
adjust the compass to the clinometer
mode (step 2)).
5. Dip direction
6. Record
The last measurement is the direction
of dip to the nearest cardinal point
(e.g. NW or SE, E or W).
In this case it is E.
Record the orientation of the plane in your notebook; in this case
008/12E. Note that the strike is always recorded as a 3-digit
number to avoid any confusion and that the degree symbols are
not normally shown to prevent any confusion with zeros.
Figure 2.6 Continued
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