Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
27 Foresight, International Dimensions of Climate Change , London, UK Government Oce
for Science, 2011, p. 9 and p. 40.
28 M. Beckett, UN Security Council debate - 2007,
29 UK Ministry of Defence, Defence in a Changing Climate , London, The Stationery Oce,
30 Danish Ministry of Foreign Aairs, Climate Change and Foreign Policy - An Exploration of
Options for Greater Integration , Copenhagen, Danish Foreign Oce, 2006.
31 S. Møller, opening speech of the Seminar on Climate Change and International Security
in Copenhagen, 2009.
32 P. Heinrig, Security Implications of Climate Change in the Sahel Region: Policy Considerations ,
Paris, OECD, 2010,
33 Gouvernement de la France, L
action exterieur de la France contre le changement climatique ,
Paris, Gouvernement de la France, 2011.
34 Gobierno de España, Estrategia Española de Seguridad: Una Responsabilidad de Todos ,
Madrid, Gobierno de España, 2011, p. 37.
36 Secretary-General ' s remarks to the Security Council on the Impact of Climate Change
on International Peace and Security, 20 July 2011.
37 M. Moses, ' Needed: A UN special representative on climate change and security ' , Huf-
ngton Post ,, 28 July 2011.
38 N. Mabey, ' Facing the climate security threat: Why the security community needs a
' whole-of-government ' response to global climate change ' , GMF policy brief, November
2010, p. 4.
39 D. Tänzler and A. Carius, ' Overview: Towards preventive climate diplomacy ' ,in
D. Tänzler and A. Carius (eds), Climate Diplomacy in Perspective, from Early Warning to
Early Action , Berlin, German Federal Foreign Oce, 2012, p. 20.
40 C. Foley and A. Holland, Climate Security Report , Washington DC, American Security
Project, November 2012.
41 European Geostrategy at
42 C. Paskal, ' From constants to variables: How environmental change alters the geopoli-
tical and geo-economic equation ' , International A airs , 85/6, 2009, 1143 - 56.
43 S. Biscop and J. Colemont, A Strategy for CSDP: Europe's Ambitions as a Global Security
Provider , Egmont, October 2010.
44 Council Conclusions, Council Conclusions on EU Climate Diplomacy ; European External
Action Service, EU Climate Diplomacy ,p.5.
45 European Parliament, The Organisation and Functioning of
the European External Action
Service: Achievements, Challenges
and Opportunities , Brussels, European Parliament,
February 2013, p. 83.
46 B. Lee and D. Torney, ' Leading on climate and resources ' , in G. Grevi and D. Keohane
(eds), Challenges for European Foreign Policy in 2013: Renewing the EU
s Role in the World ,
47 A. Baron, ' El cambio climatico y la acción exterior de España: Un necesario cambio de
perspectiva ' , Fride blog , 18 December 2012,
48 Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación, 2012: Un Año de Legislatura en Política
Exterior , Madrid, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación, 2012.
49, Seguridad Internacional.
Madrid, Fride, 2013, pp. 36
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