Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
23 IOM, Migration and Climate Change , IOM Migration Research Seminars 31, Geneva,
' Climate change is a humanitarian problem ', leaet.
25 M. Werz and L. Conley, Climate Change, Migration and Con ict: Addressing Complex Crisis
Scenarios in the 21st Century , Washington, Center for American Progress, 2012.
26 Foresight, Migration and Global Environmental Change, Final Report , London, The Gov-
ernment Oce for Science, 2011, p. 22.
27 Department of Defense, An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and its Implications for US
National Security , Washington, US Department of Defense, 2009.
29 it&Cr1=.
31 International Alert, A Climate of Con
ict . London, International Alert, 2007.
32 J. Lee, ClimateChangeandArmedCon
ict: Hot and Cold Wars , London, Routledge,
33 O. Brown and A. Crawford, Rising Temperatures, Rising Tensions: Climate Change and the
Risk of Violent Con ict in the Middle East , Winnipeg, International Institute for Sustainable
Development, 2009.
34 I. Morris, Why the West Rules - For Now , London, Prole Books, 2010.
35 G. Dyer, Climate Wars , Oxford, One World, 2010, p. 229.
36 A. Levitsky, The Land Security Agenda , London, Earth Security Initiative, 2012.
37 M. Klare, Rising Powers, Shrinking Planet: The New Geopolitics of Energy , New York, Holt,
2008, p. 8.
38 C. Werrell, F. Femia and A.-M. Slaughter (eds), The Arab Spring and Climate Change ,
Washington, Center for American Progress, 2013.
39 T. Judt, Ill Fares the Land , London, Penguin, 2010, p. 9 and p. 195.
40 C. Lever-Tracy, Confronting Climate Change , London, Routledge, 2011.
41 World Bank, Turn Down the Heat: Why a 4 Degree World Must be Avoided , Report for the
World Bank by the Potsdam Institute, Washington, 2012, p. xviii.
42 L. Smith, The New North: The World in 2050 , London, Prole Books, 2011.
43 H. Winkler and J. Beaumont, ' Fair and eective multilateralism in the post-Copenhagen
climate negotiations ' , Climate Policy , 10, 2010, 638 - 54, p. 640.
44 E3G, Degrees of Risk: De ning a Risk Management Framework for Climate Security , London,
E3G, 2011.
45 D. Moran (ed), Climate Change and National Security: A Country Level Analysis ,
Washington DC, Georgetown University Press, 2011, p. 5.
46 M. Rees, Our Final Century: Will Civilization Survive the Twenty- rst Century? London,
Arrow, 2003.
47 C. Abbott, ' An uncertain future: law enforcement, national security and climate change ' ,
FRIDE Comment , February 2008, 1.
48 One example of this is G. Friedman, The Next 100 Years: A Forecast of the 21st Century ,
New York, Random House, 2009.
49 C. Webersik, Climate Change and Security: A Gathering Storm of Global Challenges , Santa
Barbara, Praeger, 2010.
50 S. Dalby,
' Climate change and environmental security ' ,
in P. Williams (ed), Security
Studies , 2nd edition, London, Routledge, 2012, p. 314.
51 J. Mazo, Climate Con ict , London, Routledge and IISS, 2010.
52 Maas, Shifting Bases, Shifting Perils , Berlin, Adelphi Research, 2010, p. 19.
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