Geoscience Reference
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needed and to facilitate the spread of renewables; but globalisation is simultaneously
seen as sustaining the economic model that lies at the very root of global warming.
Emerging EU policy mixes support for open markets and government-backed
commercial diplomacy. The European response may be interpreted as seeking to
strike a balance between interdependence and autarchy as the driving logic of
security. Yet it is doubtful that policy is su
ciently attuned to the widest economic
aspects of climate security as opposed to low carbon commercial gain.
Geo-economic dilemmas
In recent years, a plethora of concerns has surfaced over climate-related economic
security. A 2013 Chatham House report observes a general trend towards nationa-
listic, antagonistic and protectionist, cartel-like responses to resource insecurity
antithesis of a focus on resource resilience across the most vulnerable countries, upon
which global security in fact depends. 1
oods in Thailand caused Honda to
delay the launch of a new car in the UK. Tesco
In 2011
s publicity stunt of removing all
products from its shelves requiring interlinked global supply chains
which left a
virtually empty shop
le of such concerns further. Insurance com-
panies say that the whole logic of the insurance sector will have to be rethought;
disaster-related liabilities will become impossible to meet and premiums could
become prohibitively expensive, which could threaten a vital underpinning of global
commerce. Access to rare earths has become a priority issue for green technology,
increasing dependence on China, Brazil, Russia and some states in central Africa.
Over 90 per cent of global rare earths production is from China, which will need
more and more of this for its own domestic use rather than exports. Climate impacts
are starting to feed into some very elemental realpolitik. China and Taiwan have
raised the pro
ercely for in
uence in the Paci
c Islands, each o
ering to support the
s concerns over rising sea levels and provide highly lucrative commercial deals in
return for their support on the question of Taiwan
s recognition. As a result, France
complains that it has lost in
uence in the region. China is also striking deals with
Russia over food imports and beginning to include clauses on food supplies in its deals
with developing states, requiring stipulated quantities of supplies to be shipped to
China as a condition for the funding of infrastructure development. Even the Group
of Twenty (G20) has moved towards carving out a role for itself on resource security.
Many analysts argue that future economic security can only be achieved through
a fundamental change to the current market-growth based economic model, with
a focus on resource productivity rather than growth rates. 2 They insist that the
climate challenge cannot be conceived as
needing to
more than the
West needs to examine its own basic economic model. The
has been
ambivalent over the climate security agenda because it is painted as the source of
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