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era codices, which describe the drought of One Rabbit in Mexico and other pre-
colonial droughts. The links between reconstructed climate and societies in the
prehistoric era may never be made irrefutably, but testing these hypotheses with
improved climate reconstructions, better archaeological data, and modeling experi-
ments to explore the range of potential social responses have to be central goals of
archaeology and high-resolution paleoclimatology.
Acknowledgements We thank E.R. Cook, F.K. Fye, and R.D. Griffin for advice and assis-
tance, and Dee Breger for permission to reproduce Fig. 10.5 . Funding from the National
Science Foundation, Earth System History Program (Grant number ATM-0400713, DWS), and
the Archaeology and Archaeometry Program (several grants, JSD), is gratefully acknowledged.
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