Geoscience Reference
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Plate 7.1 Meteosat image taken at 12.00 UTC on 1 March 2007 in the infra-red waveband. The cloud-free area of the Saharan
anticyclone is evident, the dark tone indicating high surface temperatures. To the south is the line of the Equatorial Trough that
is rather narrow and weak over West Africa but expands and intensifies over central and eastern Africa. Even here cloud is not
continuous. To the east of South Africa a tropical cyclone shows its spiral of cloud. In the southern ocean there is a lot of cloud,
some in an inverted comma shape typical of southern hemisphere temperate cyclones. Much of the tropical Atlantic is covered
by stratocumulus and cumulus cloud.
Image: Courtesy of the Satellite Receiving Station, University of Dundee, and EUMETSAT
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