Geoscience Reference
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convection transfer of heat by the physical movement of molecules from one place to
another; hot, less-dense fluid rises and cool, denser fluid sinks.
cordillera mountains of western North America from the Rocky mountains to the Pacific
core iron-rich centre of the Earth, 2889-6371 km below the surface.
cosmic rays atomic muclei, largely protons, travelling at or near relativistic speeds.
craton (1) large stable part of a continent, which has not been subject to deformation for a
very long time (e.g., since the Precambrian); (2) distinct, tectonically coherent, large region of
granitoid crust.
cumulate term applied to rocks formed by the accumulation (e.g., by precipitation) of
Curie point or temperature temperature above which a mineral cannot be permanently
declination horizontal angle between geographic north and magnetic north.
decollement zone detachment (unsticking) zone between strata, due to deformation such as
folding or thrusting.
dehydration loss of water.
density ratio of the mass of a material to its volume; usual symbol,
depleted mantle mantle that has been depleted of some elements by processes such as partial
melting; residue after extraction of crust.
dextral fault see right-lateral fault.
diapir body of light material (e.g., salt, magma) that pierces upwards into overlying strata.
differentiate (1) mathematical term; (2) rock formed by magmatic differentiation (e.g.,
precipitation of crystals).
dilatation change in volume per unit volume.
dip-slip fault fault on which the movement is parallel to the dip of the fault; thrust fault or
normal fault.
dunite rock dominantly composed of olivine.
dyke (dike) small igneous body that has intruded into fissures that cut across the existing
rock strata.
earthquake sudden violent movement within the crust or upper mantle.
earthquake epicentre point on the Earth's surface immediately above the earthquake focus.
earthquake focus location of the earthquake within the Earth.
eclogite type of dense rock formed by metamorphism of basalt.
elastic limit maximum stress a body can withstand without being permanently deformed.
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