Geoscience Reference
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Figure 6.1. The relationship between geochronological closure of a
mineral and its cooling history. The upper graph shows the cooling
history of a mineral. The vertical axis in the lower graph, the
diffusion coefficient D , approximates the rate of escape of the
radiogenic daughter product. T c is the closure temperature, which is
attained at time t c . Each mineral in a rock has a different set of
diffusion coefficients, resulting in a variety of closure temperatures
and times, as discussed in the text. (From Dodson (1973).)
T c
t c
on the chemical and thermal history of the crust and mantle. Rubidium-strontium
dating is discussed first: it is simple and a good system to use to illustrate the
problems and pitfalls of geochronology.
6.3 Rubidium-strontium
For the decay of 87 Rb to 87 Sr, Eq. (6.11)is
[ 87 Sr] now = [ 87 Rb] now (e λ t
where [ 87 Sr] now is the number of 87 Sr atoms and [ 87 Rb] now is the number of 87 Rb
atoms, both measured now. Since strontium occurs naturally in rocks indepen-
dently of rubidium, it is not reasonable to assume that all the [ 87 Sr] now is a result of
the decay of 87 Rb. Equation (6.26) must therefore be modified to include [ 87 Sr] 0 ,
the amount of originally occurring 87 Sr:
[ 87 Sr] now = [ 87 Sr] 0 + [ 87 Rb] now (e λ t
There are four isotopes of natural strontium with relative atomic masses 84, 86,
87 and 88, which have fractional abundances of about 0.6%, 10%, 7% and 83%,
respectively. Rubidium has just two isotopes, 85 Rb and 87 Rb; 87 Rb has a fractional
abundance of
Since strontium-86 is not a product of any radioactive decay, the amount of
strontium-86 present now should be the amount that was originally present:
[ 86 Sr] now = [ 86 Sr] 0
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