Geoscience Reference
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Consider the oceanic lithosphere deforming under an applied vertical load
V ( x ) and no horizontal force. Water fills the resulting depression in the seabed.
However, there is a net hydrostatic restoring force of (
ρ m ρ w ) gw per unit area.
This restoring force acts because the deformed lithosphere is not in isostatic
equilibrium: a thickness w of mantle with density
ρ m has effectively been replaced
by water with density
ρ w . Thus, for the oceanic lithosphere, Eq. (5.56)is
D d 4 w
d x 4
= V ( x ) ( ρ m ρ w ) gw
In the case of the deformation of continental lithosphere, when the depression
is filled with sediment, the hydrostatic restoring force is (
ρ m
ρ c ) gw , since
mantle with density
ρ m has been replaced by crust with density
ρ c .For continental
lithosphere Eq. (5.56)is
D d 4 w
d x 4
V ( x )
ρ m ρ c ) gw
These differential equations must be solved for given loads and boundary con-
ditions to give the deflection of the plate as a function of horizontal distance. In
the particular case in which the load is an island chain (assumed to be at x
Eq. 5.58 is
D d 4 w
d x 4
+ ( ρ m ρ w ) gw = 0
The solution to this equation for a line load V at x
w ( x ) = w 0 e x [cos( x ) + sin( x )] ,
x 0
where the deflection at x
V α
w 0 =
8 D
and the parameter
, called the flexural parameter ,isgivenby
1 / 4
4 D
( ρ m ρ w ) g
α =
Figure 5.15 shows the deflection given by Eq. (5.61)asafunction of x . Notice
the clear arch, or forebulge, on either side of the central depression. At the top
Figure 5.15. Deflection of
an elastic plate by a line
load at x = 0. The
deflection is normalized
with respect to w 0 , the
deflection at x
0, which
is determined by the load
and the physical
properties of the plate.
Deflection is symmetrical
about x
0. Solid line,
intact plate; dashed line,
plate broken at x = 0.
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