Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Facies S4: Upper Shoreface
Facies S5: Foreshore and coastal plain
Facies S2: Offshore
Facies S3: Lower Shoreface
Fine to medium grained sandstones
with occasional relict stratification
and strong bioturbation. Low angle
discontinuities and scour-and-fill
structures occasionally observed.
Stratified sandstone with cross- and planar-
stratification and carbonaceous-rich
mudstone, ripple stratified sandstones and
thin coal beds - low preservation potential.
Very fine grained sandstones
with abundant horizontal
Sandy mudstone to very
muddy sandstones showing
strong bioturbation.
Facies S1: Offshore
Silty claystone or argillaceous
siltstone, sometimes calcareous,
ranging from well laminated to
highly bioturbated.
Ophiomorpha +Skolithos
Palaeophycus, Teichichnus, Planolites, Te rebellina, Asterosoma, Macaronichnus
Chondrites, Helminthopsis,
Phycosiphon, Planolites, Te rebellina
Te rebellina, Chondrites,
Helminthopsis horizontalis
≈3 km
Fig. 6. Shoreface progradation model (after Gowland, 1996).
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