Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
10 km
10 km
Fig. 6. ( Continued )
are thin (<200 m) and only minor faulting occurred
during this period.
300 ms TWT (Fig. 5A). The sequence thins south-
wards to less than 100 ms TWT in the Åsta Graben
area; and also westwards (Fig.  5A). The bottom
bounding surface of sequence J-1 is characterised
by downlap on top of a high seismic reflector
which represents sediments draping an erosional
surface (Fig. 6A and B). The upper surface is char-
acterised by toplap truncation, as seen in the area
of maximum thickness (Figs 5A and 6B).
The sequence incorporates SW dipping, oblique
clinoforms, where the topset is truncated below
the offlap break (Figs 5A and 6B). The clinoform
heights are approximately 200 ms TWT.
Oxfordian (sequence J-1)
Description: The sequence J-1 is mainly found in
the northern Horda Platform area. It displays good
data quality in the southern part and south of the
present outlet of Sognefjord, whereas poor data
quality is typical seen across the Horda Platform
north of the present outlet of Sognefjord (Fig. 5A).
The maximum thickness of sequence J-1 is
located south-west of Sognefjord, where it reaches
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