Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
the Barents Sea basins. This climatic change is
apparently very widespread and is referred to
from basins as far to the south as Spain and
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Doré, A.G. ( 1992) Synoptic palaeogeography of the North-
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Basins on the Atlantic Seaboard: Petroleum Geology,
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Geol. Soc. London Spec. Publ ., 62 , 421-446.
Whereas sub-regional factors such as changing
subsidence rates and rejuvenation/reconfigura-
tion of hinterlands can explain the very sandy and
coarse-grained nature of the Tubåen Formation, as
opposed to (for example) the generally finer-
grained Snadd Formation with its more sporadic
occurrence of channel sandstones, these effects
would clearly be amplified by a wetter climate. In
relative terms, the coarser sandstones in the
Tubåen Formation would require more powerful
streams to form than the finer grained sandstones
in the Snadd Formation. This can clearly be
accomplished if the river discharge increased due
to higher annual precipitation in the rejuvenated
Although not entirely conclusive, the data and
interpretations presented here accord with other
studies indicating increased climatic humidity
across the Triassic to Jurassic boundary in many
European basins. A direct climatic relationship
with the Triassic to Jurassic volcanism to the south
can only be speculated on, although the very
regional nature of the change to a more humid cli-
mate in the Early Jurassic supports a global (vol-
canic) cause.
I wish to thank Statoil for the permission to publish
this paper. Also, the partners in the Snøhvit
Production unit, Petoro AS, Total E&P Norge AS,
RWE DEA Norge AS and GDF SUEZ E&P Norge AS,
are thanked for the permission to publish data from
well 7121/4-F-2H. Reviewers William Helland-
Hansen and Atle Folkestad provided many useful
comments to the manuscript. Geir Samuelsen is
thanked for his careful drafting and many good
ideas to improve the graphic work.
Ahlberg, A., Arndorrf, L. and Guy-Ohlson, D. (2002)
Onshore climatic change during the Late Triassic marine
inundation of the Central European Basin. Terra Nova ,
14 , 241-248.
Allen, J.R.L. (1978) Studies in fluviatile sedimentation:
an  exploratory quantitative model for the architecture
of avulsion-controlled alluvial suites. Sed. Geol. , 21 ,
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