Geoscience Reference
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regime thick well-developed caliche horizons
represent the upper boundary of net accommoda-
tion. Note that over time periods longer than 20 ka
the position and size of 'Hadley' cells will change
systematically due to orbitally controlled changes
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Change in the rate of A/S change
To estimate changes in the rate of A/S change, the
variations in thickness of preserved fluvial sediment
packages have to be measured. Subaerial accommo-
dation for a given time period is defined as the space
developed (and filled) between two successive rec-
ognisable upper boundaries of net accommodation
(lower limit to erosion) of different ages but with a
similar hierarchical age allocation that define that
time period. Consequently, the change in rate of
accumulation space creation versus sediment sup-
ply (A/S) at a specific hierarchical scale can be
appraised by mapping a series of successive upper
boundaries of net accommodation in the strati-
graphic successions and measuring the stratigraphic
thicknesses between these successive surfaces.
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